Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (R) and defense Minister Moshe Dayan meet their troops October 21, 1973 on the Golan Heights during the Yom Kippur War. [Israeli Gov Press Office] |
Prime Minister Golda Meir with Israeli troops on the Golan Heights during the Yom Kippur War pg 239 [Israeli Gov Press Office] |
P.M. Golda Meir and Dr. Henry Kissinger flanked by ambassador Yitzhak Rabin and his wife Leah. Date 27/02/1973 photographer Milner Moshe [Israel National Photo Library] |
Contact Sheet from Eshkol visit to Johnson Ranch 1/7/79 [LBJ Library] |
P.M. Levi Eshkol (c) accompanied by Min. Menahem Begin (l) and O.C. Southern Command Aluf Gavish visiting troops in Sinai. Date 13/06/1967 photographer Moshe Milner [Israel National Photo Library] |
Six Day War. P.M. Levy Eshkol (2nd l) with Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin (2nd r) and Aluf Tal in the negev. Date 25/05/1967 [Israel Government Press Office] |
P.M. Golda Meir with Foreign Min. Abba Eban, Amb. Yitzhak Rabin & UN Amb. Tekoah, before a reception given by the Foreign Min. At the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. Date 29/09/1969 photographer Milner Moshe [Israel National Photo Library] |
PM Levy Eshkol talking to one of the army instructors during a visit to one of the training bases. 02/16/1967. Photographer Milner Moshe [Israeli Gov Press Office] |
Producer Rabbi Marvin Hier and Oscar winner Christoph Waltz, the voice of Prime Minister Menachem Begin. [Moriah Films] |
Producer Rabbi Marvin Hier, Oscar winner Sandra Bullock as the voice of Prime Minister Golda Meir, and Director/Producer Richard Trank. [Moriah Films] |
Yehuda Avner at work with Prime Minister Menachem Begin, 1980 |
Yehuda Avner on set of The Prime Ministers [Moriah Films] |
Yehuda Avner being interviewed on the set of The Prime Ministers. [Moriah Films] |
Director Richard Trank interviewing Yehuda Avner for The Prime Ministers [Moriah Films] |
Director Richard Trank interviewing Yehuda Avner for The Prime Ministers [Moriah Films] |
Yehuda Avner on set of The Prime Ministers [Moriah Films] |
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